we are relentless

We are relational practitioners.

Founded in 2022, Relentless unlocks political power using relational mobilization.

At the center of everything we do are the stakeholders: the voters, volunteers, mobilizers, and community members who have the most at stake. 

We make intentional choices about what we don’t do: we don’t scrape data, we don’t sell data, we don’t treat volunteers like data mines.

Relentless is built on the belief that we have the political power we need in the relationships we already have.

Read our Mission + Values.


Davis Leonard and Zoe Stein met on Jon Ossoff’s Senate runoff campaign in Georgia; Davis was tasked with online organizing, and Zoe had been asked to reach unreachable voters. They joined forces to try something that hadn’t successfully been done before: relational mobilization, at scale, and online.

In less than a month they built a relational network of 160k voters and ran a program that Senator Ossoff said “won the race,” proving that it was possible to do relational at scale.

Davis and Zoe published what they learned on the campaign, with Joshua Kravitz: ”How we built a relational network of 160k voters in less than a month.”

Then-Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff speaks at a campaign event on November 19, 2020 in Jonesboro, Georgia. | Elijah Nouvelage/Images


Davis and Zoe founded Relentless with Greta Carnes — who ran a national relational program for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign — to bring their relational mobilization program to the progressive movement. But a critical piece was missing: the right tech.

That summer they launched Rally, to build the tech that was needed to measure and scale relational mobilization.

Meanwhile, interest in Relentless’ programs was growing, and it became clear they had the potential to unlock political power and change the way campaigns approached relational:

“If we do this right…” The new Dem organizing strategy catching fire ahead of the midterms. Politico

Relentless ran seven scaled programs in battleground states during the midterm elections.

Using Rally, Relentless ran a program for the 2022 Georgia runoff that was set up in 5 days, and within 10 days had built a relational network of 70,000 people:

  • 92.5% of the relational network matched with the voter file.

  • 23% of the relational network did not vote in 2020.

  • 3,000 voters in the relational network voted in the runoff election, despite not voting in the general election one month earlier.


This year, we’re opening up Rally to campaigns and organizations running their own relational programs.

Our goal is to bring the tech and program the progressive movement needs to unlock the power needed in 2023 and 2024.


The presidential election in November will be the first since the pandemic.

Much has changed.

  • We know that relational mobilization can scale.

  • We know that relational programs reach voters who aren’t being reached any other way.

  • We know we can execute programs quickly.

This year we’ll be coming in with new political power that relationships unlocked. Let’s go.